I had been experiencing daily headaches for almost two months. I went to see a doctor at Kaiser who suggested that I might be experiencing migraines and recommended that I start taking Excedrin Migraine to treat them. I told the doctor that I had already been taking ibuprofen daily and was more interested in the cause and the prevention of the headaches rather than just treating the pain. The doctor explained that if the headaches persisted after taking Excedrin, he would prescribe a low level antidepressant to treat the headaches. After a couple of weeks of taking Excedrin almost daily, and not interested in going on antidepressants, I decided to seek out a more holistic approach to my problem. After about two weeks of treatments at the Community Acupuncture & Herbal Clinic in Makawao, my headaches disappeared. The treatments also helped treat other issues I had been experiencing, including chronic fatigue and debilitating menstrual cramps with heavy bleeding. After 12 sessions of acupuncture and an herbal formula I am feeling more alert, less tired, and my last period was less heavy with minimal cramps. I would very much recommend acupuncture and herbs as an effective alternative to pain medications in the treatment and prevention of headaches and painful menstrual periods.