Personally they have helped me via acupuncture treatments and herbal consultations for several conditions. One of which was a severely weakened bladder that was spasming daily and debilitating. This condition has not only been improved it has been entirely resolved. Years of allopathic medicine and several consultations did nothing for me at all. In addition to this I suffered from chronic herpes breakouts, some lingering over a month at a time. Since regular treatment, I have had only 2 breakouts in this entire time, and they were short-lived. Regularly I go to receive treatment for muscle tension as I am a massage therapist and consistently in need of relief. The quality of my life is deeply enriched by their presence in our community. I have come to know the practitioners over the past few years and truly admire their work and their dedication to helping people and their general well-being. They are each of them of solid character on profound paths as human beings and true healers in their own rights.