When I first learned of acupuncture, I had extreme doubts about its healing effects. How can tiny needles placed randomly across the body heal? From a scientific perspective, in my opinion, it did not make any sense. When my Korean doctor recommended me to Anjelika, I only agreed to go because insurance was paying for it: “It can’t hurt me to go, and its free…, I suppose I’ll give it a try; I can always quit.”
After a hiking injury about 8 years ago, I had constant shoulder pain preventing me from holding my young daughters. Additionally, after being stationed in Hawaii for many years, I developed severe allergies to grass and trees that caused me to take several medications in high doses daily. I lamented the fact that as a late twenties male, I would never be able to lead a normal life, and that I was taking more pills daily than my 80-year-old grandfather.
Anjelika warned me in our first meeting that acupuncture would not fix me in one session, and that old and severe injuries like mine could take several months to resolve. After trying physical therapy with two different doctors, I had no hope that my shoulder would be fixed. However, within 8 weeks my shoulder was pain free and I had regained full use. I can finally hold my young daughters again!
After my shoulder was resolved, Anjelika switched her main focus to my allergies. Despite having no history of food allergies, she asked me to avoid certain foods like milk and dairy products. I silently laughed inside knowing that there was no way these foods were affecting me, and I ignored her advice for two months. I wound up taking a trip to the mainland and inadvertently avoided dairy for nearly two weeks due to my vacation plans in the mountains. Upon returning to Hawaii, for 3 days I had no allergic reactions until one evening when I made alfredo for the family. Within 30 minutes, I was coughing, choking on phlegm, and my wife said my snoring was some of the worst she had ever heard. Something clicked in my brain and at the following session, Anjelika reminded me that it was probably the dairy. She increased her efforts, and by finally following ALL of her advice, in tandem, we were able to get me entirely off my medications. Come to find out, I have a milk protein allergy that causes eczema, coughing, runny/clogged nose, and itchiness that was undiagnosed by three different allergist-doctors. Furthermore, the acupuncture helped reduce the effects my environmental allergies were having on my body until they no longer bothered me daily.
Without having given acupuncture a try, and without Anjelika’s hard work and wealth of knowledge and skill, I would never have been able to lead a normal life. In fact, after having moved permanently to the mainland and halting treatment, I am still entirely off my medicine thanks to her.
I am now an acupuncture believer, and I will be forever grateful for her dedication to my health.
NA, Military Veteran, Honolulu, HI
After a hiking injury about 8 years ago, I had constant shoulder pain preventing me from holding my young daughters. Additionally, after being stationed in Hawaii for many years, I developed severe allergies to grass and trees that caused me to take several medications in high doses daily. I lamented the fact that as a late twenties male, I would never be able to lead a normal life, and that I was taking more pills daily than my 80-year-old grandfather.
Anjelika warned me in our first meeting that acupuncture would not fix me in one session, and that old and severe injuries like mine could take several months to resolve. After trying physical therapy with two different doctors, I had no hope that my shoulder would be fixed. However, within 8 weeks my shoulder was pain free and I had regained full use. I can finally hold my young daughters again!
After my shoulder was resolved, Anjelika switched her main focus to my allergies. Despite having no history of food allergies, she asked me to avoid certain foods like milk and dairy products. I silently laughed inside knowing that there was no way these foods were affecting me, and I ignored her advice for two months. I wound up taking a trip to the mainland and inadvertently avoided dairy for nearly two weeks due to my vacation plans in the mountains. Upon returning to Hawaii, for 3 days I had no allergic reactions until one evening when I made alfredo for the family. Within 30 minutes, I was coughing, choking on phlegm, and my wife said my snoring was some of the worst she had ever heard. Something clicked in my brain and at the following session, Anjelika reminded me that it was probably the dairy. She increased her efforts, and by finally following ALL of her advice, in tandem, we were able to get me entirely off my medications. Come to find out, I have a milk protein allergy that causes eczema, coughing, runny/clogged nose, and itchiness that was undiagnosed by three different allergist-doctors. Furthermore, the acupuncture helped reduce the effects my environmental allergies were having on my body until they no longer bothered me daily.
Without having given acupuncture a try, and without Anjelika’s hard work and wealth of knowledge and skill, I would never have been able to lead a normal life. In fact, after having moved permanently to the mainland and halting treatment, I am still entirely off my medicine thanks to her.
I am now an acupuncture believer, and I will be forever grateful for her dedication to my health.
NA, Military Veteran, Honolulu, HI