Traditional Acupuncture is a healing art and science which teaches us to see the entire human being in body, mind and spirit, how to recognize the process of health and illness, and how to restore the body to health. Chinese medicine believes there is a life force called Qi (energy), and that this life force flows within us in a harmonious, balanced way. This harmony and balance is health. If the life force is not flowing properly, then there is disharmony and imbalance. This is illness.
Tuina massage originated in ancient China and is believed to be the oldest system of bodywork. It’s one of the four main branches of traditional Chinese medicine, along with acupuncture, cupping therapy, moxibustion, qi gong, and Chinese herbal medicine. It’s based on the theory that imbalances of qi, which is the body’s vital life force or energy, can cause blockages or imbalances that lead to symptoms such as pain and illness. Tuina massage stimulates the flow of qi to promote balance and harmony within the body using many of the same principles of acupuncture. It’s similar to acupuncture in the way it targets specific acupoints, but practitioners use fingers instead of needles to apply pressure to stimulate these points. How do herbs work?
Recently, the World Health Organization estimated that 80% of people worldwide rely on herbal medicines for some part of their primary health care. In Germany, about 600 - 700 plant based medicines are available and are prescribed by some 70% of German physicians. In the past 20 years in the United States, public dissatisfaction with the cost of prescription medications, combined with an interest in returning to natural or organic remedies, has led to an increase in herbal medicine use. Wellness coaching is a process that facilitates behavior change by exploring people’s unique skills, strengths, and resources, and helping people transform dreams and desires into achievable goals through effective action.
What is our true purpose? We have forgotten our true nature, forgotten what naturally inspires us, what passionately moves us. Many people who come to work with Anjelika are stuck. They are blocked creatively, emotionally, and professionally. They have dreams, visions, and goals but somewhere along their path they lost the insight to realize these dreams. Through work and study assignments Anjelika guides her clients to manifest their visions. This therapeutic process can release complex behavioral patterns. As the unfolding continues, new understandings, new depths, new ways of being and relating to life reveal themselves. What emerges in this therapeutic process? Old fixations suddenly let go, the stories we tell ourselves are no longer true, the personality with which we identify ourselves dissolves. We gain access to a grounded sense of presence and aliveness. |