Researchers confirm that acupuncture and other Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) procedures are effective Parkinson’s disease treatment modalities. Specialized TCM procedures demonstrating efficaciousness include scalp acupuncture, moxibustion, and acupotomy. The researchers conducted a meta-analysis and concluded that acupuncture significantly improves the overall condition of Parkinson’s disease patients.
Parkinson’s disease is a nervous system disorder characterized by tremors, slow movements (bradykinesia), rigidity of musculature, balance disorders, and difficulty with daily activities including writing and speaking. There is no known cure for Parkinson’s disease. Medications used to control Parkinson’s disease include levodopa, dopamine agonists, MAO-B inhibitors, COMT inhibitors, anticholinergics, and amantadine. Additionally, deep brain stimulation and surgery may be employed.
Parkinson’s disease was recognised as a biomedical condition in the occident after the publication of James Parkinson’s An Essay on the Shaking Palsy in 1817. James Parkinson became a surgeon at the age of 29 in 1784 after graduating from London Hospital Medical College. A decorated humanitarian, Dr. Parkinson advocated for progressive social reforms.
Various forms of tremor disorders and their treatment regimens have been documented for over 1,000 years in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The research conducted by Qiu Congsheng et al. evaluates several approaches to symptomatic improvements. The researchers add that an advantage to acupuncture treatments is that, unlike many medications used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, it does not cause dyskinesia.
The meta-analysis examined the groundbreaking work of Zhou Sha. A sample size of 40 patients was treated with the following primary acupuncture points:
TCM body style acupuncture has been shown to benefit Parkinson’s disease patients. Ren Xiaoming et al. targeted their treatment strategy towards befitting the liver and kidney and achieved significant positive patient outcomes for patients with Parkinson’s disease. The primary acupuncture points were:
Wang Shun et al. employed the use of threading style acupuncture with a high total effective rate for relieving the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Primary threaded acupoint pairs included:
Acupotomy has also demonstrated benefits to Parkinson’s disease patients. This is an aggressive style of needling and is a form of microsurgery often used to remove adhesions. Researchers have combined acupotomy with scalp acupuncture and have achieved significant clinical results.
Deng Xianbin et al. used moxibustion and achieved significant clinical results for patients with Parkinson’s disease. Significant improvements were noted in the relief of myotonia and improvement of functional bodily movements. The following were primary acupoints receiving moxibustion:
Qiu Congsheng, Wang Xuhui, Development of acupuncture treatment for Parkinson’s disease, Hunan Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2015 (31).
For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Parkinson’s disease is a nervous system disorder characterized by tremors, slow movements (bradykinesia), rigidity of musculature, balance disorders, and difficulty with daily activities including writing and speaking. There is no known cure for Parkinson’s disease. Medications used to control Parkinson’s disease include levodopa, dopamine agonists, MAO-B inhibitors, COMT inhibitors, anticholinergics, and amantadine. Additionally, deep brain stimulation and surgery may be employed.
Parkinson’s disease was recognised as a biomedical condition in the occident after the publication of James Parkinson’s An Essay on the Shaking Palsy in 1817. James Parkinson became a surgeon at the age of 29 in 1784 after graduating from London Hospital Medical College. A decorated humanitarian, Dr. Parkinson advocated for progressive social reforms.
Various forms of tremor disorders and their treatment regimens have been documented for over 1,000 years in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The research conducted by Qiu Congsheng et al. evaluates several approaches to symptomatic improvements. The researchers add that an advantage to acupuncture treatments is that, unlike many medications used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, it does not cause dyskinesia.
The meta-analysis examined the groundbreaking work of Zhou Sha. A sample size of 40 patients was treated with the following primary acupuncture points:
- Ya Men (DU15)
- Feng Chi (GB20)
- Wan Gu (SI4)
- Tian Shu (ST25)
TCM body style acupuncture has been shown to benefit Parkinson’s disease patients. Ren Xiaoming et al. targeted their treatment strategy towards befitting the liver and kidney and achieved significant positive patient outcomes for patients with Parkinson’s disease. The primary acupuncture points were:
- Gan Yu (BL18)
- Xian Yu (BL23)
- Feng Chi (GB20)
- Qu Chi (LI11)
- He Gu (LI4)
- Yang Ling Quan (GB34)
- Tai Xi (KD3)
- Tai Chong (LV3)
Wang Shun et al. employed the use of threading style acupuncture with a high total effective rate for relieving the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Primary threaded acupoint pairs included:
- Qian Ding (DU21) - Xuan Lu (GB5)
- Nao Hu (DU17) - Feng Fu (DU16)
- Yu Zhen (BL9) - Tian Zhu (BL10)
- Nao Kong (GB19) - Feng Chi (GB20)
Acupotomy has also demonstrated benefits to Parkinson’s disease patients. This is an aggressive style of needling and is a form of microsurgery often used to remove adhesions. Researchers have combined acupotomy with scalp acupuncture and have achieved significant clinical results.
Deng Xianbin et al. used moxibustion and achieved significant clinical results for patients with Parkinson’s disease. Significant improvements were noted in the relief of myotonia and improvement of functional bodily movements. The following were primary acupoints receiving moxibustion:
- Zhong Wan (CV12)
- Qi Hai (CV6)
- Guan Yuan (CV4)
- Dan Shu (BL19)
- Ge Shu (BL17),
- Da Zhui (DU14)
- Ming Men (DU4)
- Zhong Wan (CV12)
- Xia Wan (CV10)
- Qi Hai (CV6)
- Guan Yuan (CV4)
- Ming Men (DU4)
Qiu Congsheng, Wang Xuhui, Development of acupuncture treatment for Parkinson’s disease, Hunan Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2015 (31).
For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.