Massage or any other hands on modalities should not be given to a woman during menstruation. Nor should a masseuse or other hands on practitioner give treatments during her own menstrual period. Elimination is a function of the skin, and if some of the menopoison is on the hands of the practitioner, it will enter the pores of the recipient's skin, which obviously is not going to help that person feel any better.
Menstruation is a house-cleaning process: female reproductive organs are meant to accept an embryo. If the ovum does not become fertilized, a reduction of the ovarian hormone progesterone occurs, and the mucous membrane and other tissues of the uterus rapidly disintegrate into a poisonous substance. Nature provides for its elimination through the menstrual flow and it is the reason menstrual blood does not clot.
Experiments in Europe revealed that when rats were injected with extractions of the tissues and glandular fluid from menstrual blood, they died within ten minutes.
Hence the name "menopoison".
It was also well known in Europe that women in menstruation could not make bread- the dough did not rise because the yeast was apparently affected during kneading by the menopoison emitted through the skin.
Massage and all other hands on therapies speed up the release of menopoison into the blood stream, and all organs are adversely affected by it.
This was an excerpt from the book "Mirror of the Body".
For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
Menstruation is a house-cleaning process: female reproductive organs are meant to accept an embryo. If the ovum does not become fertilized, a reduction of the ovarian hormone progesterone occurs, and the mucous membrane and other tissues of the uterus rapidly disintegrate into a poisonous substance. Nature provides for its elimination through the menstrual flow and it is the reason menstrual blood does not clot.
Experiments in Europe revealed that when rats were injected with extractions of the tissues and glandular fluid from menstrual blood, they died within ten minutes.
Hence the name "menopoison".
It was also well known in Europe that women in menstruation could not make bread- the dough did not rise because the yeast was apparently affected during kneading by the menopoison emitted through the skin.
Massage and all other hands on therapies speed up the release of menopoison into the blood stream, and all organs are adversely affected by it.
This was an excerpt from the book "Mirror of the Body".
For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease